Rhode Island businessman.
Partner in the Greene family’s iron forge and mills in Coventry, Rhode Island. Member of the Kentish Guards, a unit organized by his cousin Nathanael Greene in anticipation of the Revolutionary War. Served in Continental army as a baker (c. 1775), paymaster (1777), and deputy quartermaster. Partner in the firm Jacob Greene and Company, which outfitted the privateer Flora (1781). Invested in Ohio Company. Settled in Marietta, Ohio (1788), where he became postmaster and justice of the peace.
Quaker. Married his distant cousin Sarah Greene.
First letter in correspondence: December 26, 1783; Richard K. Showman, ed., The Papers of General Nathanael Greene (11 vols. to date, Chapel Hill, N.C., 1976-2000), i, 107n, ix, 233n, 378-9.