Merchant, soldier and political leader.
Member of the Sons of Liberty, and of the Provincial Congress of 1774. His firm, Hodge & Bayard, furnished Congress with arms (1776).
Member of the Council of Safety (1776-77). Visited Washington at Valley Forge.
Chosen as speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly (March 1777 and November 1778). Colonel of the second battalion, Philadelphia City militia (1777). Appointed to the State Board of War (March 1777). Served for one year on Pennsylvania’s Supreme Executive Council (1781-82). Delegate to the Continental Congress for the state of Pennsylvania (1785).
Moved to New Brunswick, New Jersey (1788), where he served as Mayor, and justice of the court of common pleas, and where he became a ruling elder in Presbyterian Church.
Born in Bohemia Manor, Maryland. Married Margaret Hodge, daughter of his future partner, Andrew Hodge. Married Mary Hodgden (Hodgson). Married Johannah White.