Banker, directeur général des finances (1777-81).
Went to Paris at an early age and opened a commercial banking house there. Amassed a considerable fortune.
One of the administrators of the Compagnie Française des Indes. Vigorously defended the company against numerous attacks.
Published an Eloge de Colbert (1773) and an Essai sur la législation et le commerce des grains (1775).
After the disgrace of Turgot and the short ministry of Clugny, Necker acceded to the direction of the royal treasury (1776).
Published his most famous work, Compte rendu, shortly before his resignation as directeur général (1781). His l’Administration des finances (1784) was well received by the public. Recalled to his post as directeur général des finances (1788-90).
Born in Geneva. Married in 1764 to Suzanne Curchod. Father of Madame de Staël.