From the Comtesse d’Houdetot (unpublished)
Paris; 17 January 1783

I was terribly distressed yesterday to see at my door the name of my dear and respectable Doctor; I beg him to be assured of my regret and my long held wish to see him and congratulate him on the welcome peace that will crown so happily and so gloriously his hopes and his hard work. Since he comes to Paris occasionally, I can flatter myself with the hope of seeing him there and I invite him and his [grand]son to an evening of music at my home on Thursday, the thirtieth of this month from just before eight until ten o'clock. I know that he likes this kind of amusement, and I am inconsolable over not having been at home yesterday at which time I would have kept him to hear my music, which takes place once every two weeks. I would like to know the hour and the second when I might find my dear Doctor at home so I can express my homage and my tenderest feelings.

Comtesse dHoudetot