From Barbeu-Dubourg
Paris, October 21, 1778
My dear Master

The nephew of one of my good friends, a well-born young man, well raised and destined for commerce, is ready to leave for Charlestown in South Carolina. I ask you earnestly to please give him a letter of recommendation for that country. I will be much obliged. I was planning to have the honor of seeing you yesterday at the Royal College and to talk to you about this, but it was not possible. I hope to make up for this by coming to Passy first thing in the morning, all the more so because I need to remind you of Messieurs Gregoire and de Maubaillarcq for the Consulates. Shall I reiterate the assurances of my inviolable and tender attachment? I hope that you have no doubt of them


Addressed: To Dr. Franklin Passy
Notation: Dubourg Paris October 21 1778