Enclosed with Thomas Barclay to BF, July 17, 1782

Amount of Goods on Board the Elizabeth for account of the United States

65Chests of Shirts Cost259605s.
28Bales of Blankets purchased by Messrs. De Neufville
& Son10165
2Bales Purchased by me of Solomon Marcus & Co.
198 pair at 5/9 Sterling5806s.12d.
9Bales of Soldiers purchas’d by Messrs.
De Neufville & Son399714s.8d.
On board The Newvery Captain Sposuir for Baltimore
11 Packs of Russia Drilling for which Freight is to be
paid in America at 15 Per Cent on the Value68152s.
On board the Surrey, Captain Grinnell for Boston the
Freight said here
43 Bales and 4 Trunk of Cloathing
Account of Public Good Remaining here after the Shipments now made
49 Packs of Cloathing
63 Ditto Linen
19 Ditto Cinaburgs
19 Ditto Hose
14 Ditto Soldiers
11 Ditto Russia Drilling

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