From John Holker (unpublished)
My Respectable friend

It is hoigh time that I make you my Complements on your having obtaind Peas and puting your Contery at Liberty; to which wee may Justley say your Manly Conduct and Supereor Judgment has don the Business.

May you long Live my Good friend, to Injoy the Sweets of it, which is what I wish from my very Soule being most sincearly attached to you, and the Cause you have so Bravely susstaind.

My best Complements attend your Son, and Live in hopes that you keep your Promis, and spend som day with us here before you Returne to the Land of Promis, it is what my wife desires and Joynes with me in Begging you not faile doeing us that Pleaseur.

I ever am with Respects and Sincerety My Dear friend your Most Obedient affectionat Servant

J Holker

Rouen 15 of Decr 1782
Endorsed: Holker, Rouen 15 Decr. 1782.
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