From Subscribers to Repairs of Christ Church and St. Peters (unpublished)
[c. 1786]

We the Subscribers promise to pay the Sums annexed to our several Names, to the Vestry of the United Churches of Christ Church & St. Peters; for the Repairs of the said Churches, and discharging the Arrears due on the late Improvements.

JSJas Bryson  pd37/6Reynold Keene   per order37/6
Assheton Humphreys37/6JSJono. Stille20/  pd.
L Morris37/6JSWill Beaven20/  pd.
JSIsaac B. Dunn22/6  pdJSJno Harlan15/  pd.
Wm. Webb22/6James Glentworth   12th. Aug.15/  paid
James Wilson£3.15Frederick Phile   per order60/
Tench Francis Three pounds paidRobert Turner20/
William Roberts£1.10.0John Gartley   16th Aug   pd.20/
JSJohn Dickinson£3.15  paidJohn Bartholomew  4th Octr.  pd.40/
Danl. Rundle£3.0.0 paid
Rob. Towers 3.8.9  A Ballance due me
28th Septr. Wm. Woodhouse£1.2.6 paid
JSJohn Reed22/6. pd
JSRichard Farmar22/6
2d. Octr. John Duffield22/6 paid
JSWill. Adcock60/ paid
John Davis   31st. Aug.22/6 paid
JSGo. Bickham60/ paid
John Dunlap45/
B. Franklin   24th. Aug.60/ paid
JSRobert Morris100/ paid
Jas. Budden22/6
JSJonathan Meredith24/2 paid
John White  13th. Augst.22/6 paid
John Litle22/6
Thos. Meredith22/6
James Craig Senr.22/6 pd.
JSPeter Knight7/6 pd
JSWm Poyntall15/3
JSWm Wigglesworth [?]15/ pd

Docketted: Subscription List

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