Franklin's Passport for Edward Newenham (unpublished)
[Passy, May 26, 1779]
To all Captains, &c

This may certify, that to my certain Knowledge, the Bearer Sir Edward Newenham Bart. [Baronet] Member of the Parliament of Ireland, hath on various Occasions manifested himself a firm Friend of Liberty and of America, where he purposes as soon as may be to settle himself, Family and Fortune:— I do therefore hereby request of you, that if by the Chance of War the Vessel in which he may pass from Ostend to England, from England to Ireland, or from Ireland to America, should fall into any of your Hands, you would not treat him as an Enemy, but take the first good Opportunity of setting him, his two Sons, & his Servant, or others of his Family at Liberty with their Effects, showing him and them all that Civility & Kindness which is due to Friends, & which generous Minds bestow with Pleasure. Given at Passy, this 26. Day of May 1779.

[In another hand:] Passport for Sr E. Newenham [Crossed out & in BF’s hand:] J’irai volontiers avec la Bonne Famille, Avez vous une Place vacante dans votre Carosse[?] —Non. —Il faut que je viens dans le mien. Je le ferai & je me rendrai chez vous à 5 heures precises.
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