From Jonathan Nesbitt
als: American Philosophical Society
L'Orient Janry: 3d: 1780 [i.e., 1781]

Several Packets of Letters for your Excellency, which I re-ceiv'd by the Ships Luzerne, & Anne, both arrived here the first instant were immediately put into the Post office, but I fear too late for the Post, and suppose you will receive them at same time with this Letter.— No doubt your Letters contain the freshest intelligence; I shall not therefore trouble you with what mine contain.— The defeat of Colonel Ferguson has in a great measure frustrated the Enemys designs against Virginia, but they were in Possession of Portsmouth & it was feared would Winter there.— I receiv'd by each of the above Vessells, a Journal of the Proceedings of Congress from 1st: Janry: 1778 to 1st: Janry: 1779, adress'd to your Excellency, which I did not think proper to forward pr: the Post, and shall keep them untill a private conveyance offers, or untill I receive your Excellencys orders. I remain with the greatest Respect Sir Your most Obedient humble Servt:

Jonatn: Nesbitt

His Excellency Benjn: Franklin Esqr.
Addressed: His Excellency / Benjn: Franklin Esqr
Notation: Jana. Nesbitt. L'Orient 3 Jan 81
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