From John Nicholson (unpublished)
Comptroller General’s Office July 15th. 1786

When at New York I thought it a favorable opportunity to urge the Board of Treasury to grant an Order upon the Continental Loan Officer in Penna. in favor of the State Treasurer for 390,000 dollars of the New Emission Money belonging to the state and in possession of Mr. Smith. The inclosed paper marked N 1. is a copy of my letter to them on the subject in November 1785, that marked N 2. covering the paper marked N 3. are copies of the letter and inclosures addressed to them on the same Subject when in New York, I also had a conference with the said Board upon that subject, but no order was granted, altho’ it was not absolutely refused, yet from the enquiries of the Board what is its present value? what do I suppose it will be worth by January next? what funds have been provided for its redemtion? and whether they will be adequate and productive together with enuendoes of the advantage it would be to the United States, leaves no dobt with me that they design to order it out of Mr. Smiths hands, and have it sold for the benefit of the United States, as they have done with the same kind of money in some of the other states. Such a step would throw the State into much embarrassment and put it out of her power to fulfil her promises and discharge her engagements. I beg leave to submit, whether it would not be proper to attach the said Bills of Credit in the hands of Mr. Smith, so as to prevent this evil. I have the honor to be &c.


His Excellency the Presidt. in Council
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