From John Bondfield (unpublished)
Bordeaux 18 Aug 1789

The National Assembly proceed with unremitted attention, on the great work of the Revolution Spirited and liberal Motions have been made. The most remakable and in some measure the Consolidating of the Constitution are the resolves of the 4 Inst. All the provinces, the Cities, Commuties and Orders, have deliverd up to the Nation their Charters, Capitulation and privalidges under whatever Denomination. All are United under One head, One Legislature to be the Law and Government of the Kingdom, All Religious orders abolished, Universal Toleration, &c &c &c. So many great Objects call for mature deliberation that the fram?e proceeds but by slow marches. Some troubles but of little consiquence have happend at present all appears quiet. The [missing] oposing to the patriotic measures have not [the?] force to contend and are constraind to appear friendly. The Ministers are approved by the Nation. The Machine appears uncloggd. With Respectful Attatchment I have the Honor to be Sir your most Obedient Humble Servant

John Bondfield

Mr. Franklin
Endorsed: Bondfield Augt. 18 89
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