To Noah Webster (unpublished)
Philada. July 9, 1786

I received your Favour of the 23d past. I think with you that your Lecturing on the Language will be of great Use in preparing the Minds of People for the Improvements proposed, and therefore would not advise your omitting any of the Engagements you have made, for the sake of being here sooner than your Business requires, that is in September or October next. I shall then be glad to see and confer with you on the Subject; being with great Esteem, Sir, Your most obedient and most humble servant.

Noah Webster, Esqr

Addressed: To / Noah Webster, Esqr / at / New Haven / per favor of / Mr Goreham / of Boston / Free N. Gorham
Endorsed: Dr Franklin July 9th 1786 forwd. by P. W. N Haven fowdd by [In Noah Webster’s hand:] Autograph sent to Dr Sprague to England
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