Dorsey Pentecost to Benjamin Franklin and the Pennsylvania Supreme Executive Council (unpublished)
Washington County, 16th April, 1786.

About ten days ago a Mr. Graham, Excise officer for the three western Counties, was in the exercise of his office in this County, seized by a number of People and Treated in the following manner, viz. His Pistols which he carried before him taken and broke to pieces in his Presence, his Commission and all his papers relaiting to his Office tore and thrown in the mud, and he forced, or made to stamp on them, and Imprecate curses on himself, the Commission and the Authority that gave it to him they then cut off one half of his hair, cued the other half on one side of his Head, cut off the Cock of his Hat, and made him wear it in a form to render his Cue the most Conspicuous, this with many other marks of Ignominy they Impos’d on him and to which he was obliged to submit, and in the above plight they marched him amidst a Crowd from the frontiers of this County to Westmoreland County, caling at all the Still Houses in their way where they were Treated Gratis, and expos’d him to every Insult, and mockery that their Invention could contrive. They set him at Liberty at the entrance of Westmoreland but with Threats of utter Desolution should he dare to return to our County.

This Bandittie I am told denounces distruction, vengence against all manner of People who dare to oppose, or even ganesay this their unparrelled behaviour, and that they will support every Person concerned against every opposition. I suppose they depend on their numbers for I am told the Combination is large.

I have thought it my duty as a good Citizen to give your Honorable Board information of this matchless and daring Insult offered to Government, and the necessity there is for a speedy and Examplary punishing being inflicted on those atrocious offenders, for if this piece of conduct is lightly looked over no Civil officer will be safe in the Exercise of his duty, though some Gentlemen with whom I have conversed, think it would be best, and wish a mild prosecution, for my part I am of a different opinion, for it certainly is the most audacious and accomplished piece of outragious, and unprovoked Insult that was ever offered to a Government and the Liberties of a free People, and what in my opinion greatly agrivates their Guilt is, that it was not done in a Gust of Passion, but cooly, deliberately, and Prosecuted from day to day, and there appears such a desolute, and refractory spirit to prevade a Certain class of People here, particularly those concerned in the above Job, that demands the attention of Government, and the most severe punishment.

I am not able to give the names of all concerned, nor have I had an opportunity of making perticular enquiry but have received the aforegoing information from different people on whom I can rely, neither do I think they have as many friends as they suppose, or would wish to make the public believe.

I have it not in my Power at this time to be as full and explicit as I could wish on this subject, as I have but Just time to hurry up this scrawl while the carrier is waiting. I am Gentlemen, with the highest Esteem and Respect, your most obedient very Humble Servant

Dorsey Pentecost.

p.s. I have just snatched as much time as to write a short note to the Chief Justice, on the above subject.
Addressed: His Excellency, The President and Members of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania.
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