From Charles Thomson (unpublished)
Office of Secy of Congress Novr. 14th. 1785

It appearing necessary that a period should be fixed to the final adjustment of all claims against the United States for services performed by the Army, and that from the nature of such claims they cannot be so properly investigated by any other Officer as by the present Commissioner, who has nearly closed the lineal Settlement, The United States in Congress assembled on the 2d Instant have been pleased to pass the inclosed resolution limiting the time for exhibiting such claims, to the first of August next, and have directed the Commissioner of Army Accounts to give public notice thereof in all the States for the space of six Months. With great respect I have the honor to be, Your Excellencys Most Obedient and Most Humble Servant

Cha Thomson

His Excellency The President of Pensylvania
17th Nov 1785 From Chas. Thompson Esqr enclosing a Resolution of Congress Entered
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