From John Paul Jones to Pieter Hendrik Reynst (unpublished)


Alliance, Texel, Dec. 17th 1779.

In Answer to the Letter which your Excellency has done me the honor to write to me this day, I must observe, that I have no orders to hoist the Flag of France on board the Alliance; nor can I take upon me to hoist in this Port any other than American Colours; unless I receive Orders for that purpose from his Excellency Benjamin Franklin Esqr. In the meantime it is my wish, to find a favorable opportunity to sail from hence And whenever the Pilot will take upon him to conduct this Ship to Sea, I will give him my best Assistance. Should I receive any new orders, I Shall not fail to communicate my Situation to you. I am your Excellency’s very obedient and very humble servant

Was Signed J.P. Jones.

His Excellency Vice-Admiral P.H. Reynst &c. &c. on board the Ship of War Amsterdam Texel.
nb. This (adds the Commodore in a note for me) was written after that of the Chev. de Lir., and has given apparent satisfaction to the Admiral.
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