From Peter Allaire
als: Library of Congress
London 10 May 1779

An Offer has been made me, which I think worthy Your Attention, as it may be of Infinite service to the fleets & Armies of America.

A person has Applyed to me to furnish any Quantity (not less then 20 lb weight) of Doctr: James’s fever Powders, so well known all over Europe, for fifteen Shill, Ster. an Oz. Each Oz Contains 12 Packages, and the price that James & Newbury sells that at is 2/6 each paper, & to Goverment at 30/per Oz, I am Offered them at one half.

The person before the Death of the late Doct James, was Imployed by the Doctr: for many Years to make them, but since his Death, his Son & Newbury, have Discharged him & having a pattent the Secret is of very little service to him in this Kingdome.

Inclosed I send You Two Oz for Your Inspection & Examination.

If You approve of them & the proposall I shall be happy to think I have been of some little Service to my Country.

I can at all times send them to Calais. I shall Esteem it as a favour, Your Answer to the Above proposal & am With Respect— Your Very humb Servt

P. Allaire

N 61 Titchfield Street a few lines without any Signature will be Sufficient
Benj: Franklin Esqr.
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