James Elphinston to William Temple Franklin (unpublished)
London, Margaret Street No. 25 Cavvendish Square, July 2, 1785
My dear Frend

Shal not sail to’ dhe Western World widhout dhe littel gale ov my moast ardent Vows, for dhe propiscious voyage ov hize vennerabel Parent and hize valluabel self. Mrs. Hewson and her sweet fammely cannot but partake my moast respectfool and moast tender good wishes. Lest my packet ov April 12 may hav unaccountably miscarried; I aguen thank my belovved Pupil for Prononciation figurée; and trubbel dhe Governor, hoo doz me dhe onnor to’ delivver dhis, widh half a dozzen moree Advertizments, ov hwich yoor Ingenuity knows wel hwat use to’ make. Ov dhe first (no short) parragraph evvery word, meaning won sound, prezents anodher. Nor iz it dhen widhout rezon called a Spescimen, ov dhe barbarous dres, dhat may shroud a butifool Language, even after shee haz attained evvery oddher perfeccion, vainly attained, widhout dhat, hwich can alone, by displaying, prezerv dhem. Advanced (sollidly, if slowly) to’ dhe twelth sheet ize dhat Work, hwich must perpettuate our Speech, and render her equally comattabel in Japan and Peru. Dhe respectabel Bairer wil say dhe rest, better dhan cood, Sir, yoor moast obleged, moast affeccionate, and moast umbel servant,

James Elphinston

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