From Jonathan Williams, Sr. (unpublished)
Boston March 2d. 1789
Hon sr

I duly recd your favour of Novr 26. I did not then answer [as] Aunt told me she would mention my Returning the Box of Books in good Order. I delayd writing untill I hould have Sold them agreable to your desire which I have endever’d to do all in my Power. I have aplyd to all Our bookselers in Town. They all say there too high priz’d. I have desir’d then to make me a proposal they promisd me they would but have not yet don it.

Some Ill minded person got in to my Garden in the evening and [busted?] up the Windo and Stole the bundles November 2d but finding they Where Books dared not keep them so throw them in to an Old Celler Where they were found and advertized before [I new?] it. I have got them and by Aunt desire have put them into a Bookbinders hands to Reduse them to B[missing] there som damag’d but shall make [the] best of them. Aunt I think is [as] well in helth as I have knoon her to be for this many years and in good Spirits. We are all well Blessed by god. I am with proper Respect to your famley Belive me ever Your dutiful Nephew

John Williams

Addressed: To His Excellency / Benjamin Franklin Esqr / In / Philadelphia
Endorsed: Cousin Williams
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