James Parker: Valuation of the Printing Office
ADS: Columbia University Library

Quantity and Valuation of the Printing-Office, as taken Jan. 27: 1766. per J Parker

383 Old Brevier, much worn, and worth little
more than Old Metal, at 8d. per lb. £12 15 4
282 Newer Brevier, 7 Years worn, valued at 1s.
3d. per lb. 17 12 6
663 Burgois, eight years worn at 1s. 3d. 41 8 9
436 Long Primer, well worn at 1s. 2d. 25 8 8
318 Small Pica, almost worn out at 10d. 13 5 0
421 Pica, Old, and much batter'd at 10d. 17 10 10
334 Old English, fit for little more than Old
Metal at 8½ 11 16 7
502 Newer English, near half-worn at 1s. 3d. 31 7 6
223 Great Primer, well worn at 1s. 2d. 13 0 2
158 Double Pica, pretty good, at 1s. 4d. 10 10 8
91 Double English Do at 1s. 2d. 5 6 2
70 Flowers at 2s. 7 0 0
53 Figures, Planets, Space Rules, Black Letter,
at 2s. 3d. 5 19 3
63 Large and Title Letter, some old some good
at 1s. 3 3 0
40 Quotations, Justifiers &c. at 1s. 2 0 0
3 Crooked Letters, at 1s. 0 3 0
85 Cases, some Old and shatter'd at 5s. 21 5 0
13 Frames at 8s. 5 4 0
15 Chaces, some large, some small, at 6s. 4 10 0
16 Letter-Boards, only 10 of'em good-for-any-
thing 0 15 0
3 Folio Gallies 8 Quarto, and 7 small Do 1 10 0
1 Letter Rack and one Case Rack 1 0 0
1 Lye-Trough, 1 Lye Tub, and one Wetting
Trough 1 10 0
6 Composing-Sticks, one of which good-for-
Nothing 1 10 0
2 Imposing Stones, with their Stands 3 10 0
1 Old Book-Press much shatter'd 1 0 0
16 Poles for drying Paper 0 16 0
2 Mallets, 2 Shuting Sticks, a Plainer, and some
old Furniture 1 0 0
12 Cuts for Dilworth's Spelling-Books 3 0 0
2 King's Arms, 3 S's for Bills of Lading 3 or 4
Head & Tail piecs 2 0 0
The Cuts for the Advertisements much worn 1 0 0
Some Brass pieces of Rules, and other Rules 0 12 7
268 10 0
Three Printing Presses, One much shatter'd 45 0 0
£313 10 0

Errors excepted

Per James Parker.

Endorsed: Account and Valuation of D.H Old Printing Materials as taken Jan. 27. 1766.
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