——— to the American Commissioners (unpublished)

The Compiler of the Book Affairs de L’Amerique dears to propose to the Honorables Deputets of the Congres an young Surgeon old 22 years perfectly able in Surgery who wish to go in America to practice his ability in the army or in a Such place where the Honorables Deputies will be pleased to employ him. This Young man have practised the surgery in many hospitals of This Kingdom; he have also diligently followeth during four years the Mr: Moreau’s Lessons, and besides that, have frequented the great Hospital (the Hotel Dieu) and he can have the necessary certificates to testify his ability. Upon that account, the Writer of the Affairs de L’Amerique recommend him to the Honorables Deputies; and if it is possible to employ this Young Surgeon, the Writer prays the Honorables Deputies to will be pleased to give him an answer directed to Mr. Favi Chargé des Affairs de La Republique de Raguse au Petit Luxembourg.

Endorsed: Genet a Surgeon
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