From — Gentzkow (unpublished)
au Bain de la Seine Ruë Genegau Paris, February 15, 1778

I am Capt. Lieutenant of the 60th Regiment of foot in the Service of the King of Great Britain. Having had the misfortune to kill an Officer of the Same Regiment four months ago when in England, I was obliged to make my escape hither. The King has refused me liberty to sell my Commission, and I cannot pay £ 92 Sterling of debts which I have contracted.

In this Situation I offer my service to the States of America, but if I did not think their cause a just one, no necessity could oblige me to it. I have had a military education these 13 years, and no man ever could impeach mine honour. If You   to receive me into the service, and recommend me to such rank as You shall be pleased to think I deserve, I will go over to America instantly; But before I can go any where, my Creditors must have Security for Payment of half the Sum which I am indebted, if You would be answerable for that Sum you shall be repaid out of the pay which I may receive from the Congress, and in that events I shall have gratitude added to other motives, to excite me to do my duty. I am Sir Your most obedient humble Servant


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