From the Marquis de la Rouerie (unpublished)
Paris 15 Jry. 1785

The ponctuality of america in her engagement with us having impressed our hearts with gratitude and respect, we have wished to communicate and fire these sentiments in every honest Breast in our Country—we have thought that by publishing the inclosed paper—we would, in some measure, attain our purpose—I send it to your Excellency for your approbation, and as we hope you will grant it to us, I request you would send it to me—I have the honor to be with great respect your Excellency’s Sir the most obedient humble Servant

Armand Mqis. de la Rouerie

his Excellency B Franklin
Addressed: his Excellency Bmin. Franklin— / ministre plenipotentiary from the united / states of america to the Court of / France / Passy
Endorsed: Armand Ms de la Rouerie 15 Jany 85
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