From John Foulke (unpublished)

Finding it, to be out of my power to give becoming attention to the duties of a corresponding secretary to the American Philosophical Society, I beg leave to resign that office; sincerely wishing the appointment of some other Genn. whose abilities and leisure may better qualify him for the employment, as I deem it ungenerous to hold any trust which a want of leisure disables me from fullfilling.

With hearty thanks for the honor which the Society has done me at several of its past Elections, I am most respectfully &c

John Foulke

Benjn. Franklin Presidt. of the Amern. Philosl. Society
Addressed: Benjn. Franklin Esqr / President of the / Amern. Philosl. Society
Endorsed: Foulke 1789 resign Secretaryship
Docketed: Letter from Dr. Foulke resigning his Office of Secretary Jany 1. 1789
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