From George Fox (unpublished)
Lisbon 30th. June 1783

As I wrote you, my dear Temple, previous to our sailing from L’Orient you are already acquainted with my reasons for preferring sailing with Captain Shewall to waiting the departure of the Hannibal. I shall therefore only mention that after a passage of 17 days we are safe arrived in this port & shall certainly depart very shortly for America. This Capital appears to be a dirty & rather disagreeable place: but we are told that before the disgrace of the Marquis de Pombal there was a great probability of its being made to wear a more elegant appearance. The new parts appear well built and the churches are more elegant than those of France. The Inhabitants are very religious but, at the same time, great Rogues and this arises as much perhaps from the bigotry of their Queen as from former prejudices. Their Comedians are but poor Actors so that there is but little amusement to be procured from attending the Playhouses. Women are not permitted to act and the language appears almost as grating to the Ear as the Dutch. The Women are not in general handsome & they have not the least taste in dress. You will easily imagine that, this being case, I am anxious to leave the kingdom & shall have sufficiently satisfied my curiosity when I shall have had a transient[?] view of the royal family. The launching of a frigate this afternoon will I am told afford me an opportunity of satisfying myself in that respect. I propose therefore to avail myself of it & in begging to make my most respectful compliments to your Grandfather who I hope enjoys perfect health I am very sincerely my dear Franklin as ever Yours

Geo Fox

p.s. Shall I trouble you to remember me to those who may inquire after me.
Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin fils / chez son Excellence le Minis- / tre Plenipotentiaire des / Etats Unis de l’Amerique / en son Hotel / a Passy / près / Paris
Notation: G Fox Lisbon 30 June 83
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