Mary Stevenson Hewson to William Temple Franklin (unpublished)
Cheam Sunday
Dear Sir

I expected a letter instead of yourself to day, tho’ I had not suggested so handsome an excuse as you have found. The delay suits me very well so I am not angry either with you or the packet. If you do not come hither tomorrow evening I would have you take the direct road to Rochester, where you will find us on tuesday. When you come to the Crown Inn you may inquire for us at Mrs. Whitehead’s No. 21. where we shall be with Mrs. Coleman, unless we are set out for Mr. Smyths Prospect Row Brompton, at either of which plans I can insure you a cordial reception.

If you can conveniently do it I should be much obliged to you to get a set of Mrs. Barbaulds lessons for children, it consists of four sixpenny books, Johnson is the publisher, but I suppose they are to be had any where. Did you send for the books I mentioned? Yours sincerely

Mary Hewson

There is another book we want very much if you can get it—Sandford & Merton is the title. I do not know whether the second vol. is out yet, you will get both if you can.
Addressed: W. T. Franklin, Esqr. / No. 5. Devonshire Street / Portland Road / penny post Nov. 22.
Notation: Mrs. Hewson 1784
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