From Robert Morris (unpublished)
Office of Finance 5. Decem: 1781

The Bearer of this Letter Capt. Shreiber will shew you a Certificate for five hundred Dollars signed by Joseph Nourse Esqr Register of the Treasury of the United States and issued by Virtue of a Warrant of this Day from me. This Money is on Interest at six per Cent from the thirtieth of November and is the Balance still due after a partial Payment in Consequence of an Act of Congress of the twelfth of November a Copy of which he will also shew you. Should it be perfectly convenient to you it will be a great Favor to him and agreable to me that this five hundred dollars be paid to Captain Schreiber taking his receipt in full of all Demands against the United States on the Back of the Certificates with three Copies thereof signed by him and sending them by different Opportunities. I mention five hundred Dollars without noticing the Interest because in Case of Payment by you the Transaction will be substantially as if I had given him here a Bill of Exchange. With all possible respect I have the Honor to be Sir your most obedient and humble Servant


His Excelly Benja. Franklin
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